What are the best soup recipes?

What are the best soup recipes?

What are the best soup recipes?

Soups are indispensable members of our food culture, delicious warm sips. Visualize the times when you sit at the table. When the service starts, isn’t it always accompanied by a steaming, fragrant soup. Followed by a stew, followed by rice or pasta? It would not be an exaggeration if we say that food menus, regardless of meals, and soups without soup are a bit of an Orpha. What are the best soup recipes?

Soup Varieties

Soup varieties, which have a considerable place in Turkish food culture, are so many that there is no doubt. That many of us have a very large list of favorite soups. Soup recipes, which offer the opportunity to be prepared with various ingredients in accordance with different tastes. Are among the starters as the crown of our tables every season. In fact, he has become one of us so much that we named the bowls of the dinnerware.  Itcan actually be used for different purposes, as soup bowls, and the tablespoons as soup spoons.

It is possible to come across with herbs, vegetables or legumes grown in accordance with the climatic characteristics of each region. Pastries reflecting the taste of that region, tarhanas and many local soup types. In this context, we would not be wrong to say that every region of our beautiful country. Which has its share of all four seasons, and even almost every province, has its own type of soup.

Sick Soups

The “sick soups” that warm us up in the cold of winter, soften the stomach that is empty all day in Ramadan, and wake us up with a doctor’s style in our sick bed. Meet on our plates with warm healthy sips and with a refreshing taste in the summer months. What are the best soup recipes?

“You haven’t eaten anything, at least have some soup.” “If you drink this hot soup, you will be on your feet immediately.” “Drink that soup, and it will soften.” Many of us are familiar with sentences such as, right? So let’s get to the benefits of soup.

Which Soup is Good for What?

1) Tarhana Soup

Tarhana soup, which we all agree on, comes first among useful soups. Which makes a difference to many soups in terms of nutritional values, is a source of sodium, potassium, calcium, Vitamin A and C. Since it is made by drying, it can be enlivened by adding meat, vegetables or other ingredients, or it can be consumed plain. Has a low glycemic index. For this reason, it can be included in the diets of patients with diabetes, hypertension and obesity. In addition, Probiotic properties as it is formed as a result of fermentation. Tarhana Soup with Noodles and Garlic Sauce

2) Chicken Soup

Chicken soup, also known as sick soup, comes to a consistency that will resurrect the dead when prepared with the broth of boiled chicken. There is probably no one to oppose this 🙂 Yes sir, chicken soup is also very useful since it is a meat-based soup. This soup, also known as flu, is a source of sodium, potassium and protein, and is responsible for preventing the formation of inflammatory cells. Since its fat rate is lower than red meat, it can be safely consumed by people with high cholesterol; Likewise, oil is not used while preparing such soups. It reduces the risk of heart attack and coronary heart disease. Chicken soup

3) Lentil Soup

Let’s continue with lentil soup. There is no one who doesn’t like it. “Less lentils” is one of the most popular restaurant dishes. Did you remember that we told you before that you should consume soup to soften your heart? At this point, lentil soup regulates the functioning of the large intestines and prevents the risk of hemorrhoids. Lentils, a member of the legume family, have a blood sugar and insulin lowering effect with their high fiber content. This means that lentil soup is a blessing for diabetics. If you consume lentil soup, which is a source of sodium and potassium, your risk of suffering from high blood pressure decreases. Restaurant Style Golden Lentil Soup. What are the best soup recipes?

4) Broccoli Soup

There are many people who love it, and there are those who sneeze at the sight, but let’s face it, we do not give the broccoli soup its due! Broccoli soup, which is literally a storehouse of Vitamin A, both keeps your immunity strong – it’s good to say that behind every strong immune system there is broccoli soup – and acts as an antibiotic. It provides the body’s hormonal balance and is effective against common diseases such as prostate and breast cancer, unfortunately. Milky Broccoli Soup

5) Highland Soup

Plateau soup, soup from our hearts, always with us, health-friendly soup… How can we pay it forward? In the name of the power of all yoghurt soups, yayla soup prevents gum diseases and inflammations to a great extent – and naturally – thanks to the abundant yoghurt it contains. It has also been proven to eliminate bad breath. Eliminates digestive system disorders caused by irregular and wrong nutrition. Meets your daily calcium needs and supports bone development and health. How to make Yayla Soup

6) Ezogelin Soup

Ezogelin soup is very rich in fibrous foods such as lentils, bulgur and rice. It keeps you full and provides energy throughout the day. It is known that it increases breast milk and is good for anemia. Reduces the rate of cholesterol in the blood and accelerates blood flow; thus preventing the risk of heart attack, cardiovascular diseases. It protects you from diabetes. How to Make Ezogelin Soup

7) Tomato Soup

This soup is quite ideal in terms of caloric value. Consumed in season are high in fiber. It is not recommended to use cream when making tomato soup, which is rich in sodium, potassium, Vitamins A and C, and folic acid, as this increases the calorie content. The fiber source tomato soup lowers blood pressure and is effective against anemia problems. Is the recommended for those who control weight to consume tomatoes. Tomato soup

8) Tripe Soup

This soup is a panacea soup that is rich in protein and fiber. Tripe soup gives plenty of energy; It soothes the stomach and relieves the feeling of fatigue, especially after high alcohol intake, thanks to the pepsin substance it contains. Protects useful cells and ensures their restructuring. Said to increase sexual power. It strengthens the immune system and makes the body resistant to diseases. They helps relieve pain in joint and rheumatism patients. Seasoned Tripe Soup. What are the best soup recipes?

9) Fish Soup

We recommend fish at least two days a week and re-emphasize the importance of fish consumption. Since fish soup is a storehouse of Omega 3, consuming fish or fish soup regularly prevents the risk of heart disease and stroke. Diabetics can safely and abundantly consume fish soup. The children of women who eat fish become more intelligent; At the same time, fish is a source of happiness and energy. It prevents wrinkles on the skin. Consumption of fish fights cancer cells in the full sense and eliminates the risk of cancer. It prevents the signs of premature aging and Alzheimer’s. Fish soup

The soups, the benefits of which we have listed above, can be prepared in grain form with seasonal vegetables and various legumes, or you can also create delicious recipes with smooth appearance, pastries and different types of meat with few ingredients. If you are paying attention to your form and controlling your weight, it will of course be beneficial for you to examine the nutritional values ​​of the ingredients you will use in the soup making phase.

You can also do a soup diet. You can prepare healthy and low-calorie soups with recipes with very low fat content, without adding salt, and you can support your diet with exercises by forming the basis of your meals in this way.

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